Join our dynamic gaming platform
Win REAL money and Amazon prizes by playing fun skill and sweepstakes games. $100 Sign-up Bonus. Instant Redemptions.
What's in it for YOU?
✔Winning cash prizes
✔Big daily bonuses
✔Winning big prizes on Amazon, airfare, hotels, events, and more!
✔In-game bonuses with real money value
✔Instant redemptions
✔24/7 support
✔Wide array of exciting arcade, slot-style, and fish table games
✔Competition with real people via leaderboard rankings
Legacy Arcade offers two main categories of games:
Arcade Games
Classic nostalgic games from the past brought to life.
Bonus Games
Thrilling Slot-Style and Fish table games where players can win real money prizes.
Prizes and Rewards
Earn points for valuable prizes.
Redemption Methods
Players can redeem their winnings through Instant Redemption or Same Day Redemption.